Monday, 8 August 2011


Welcome to my first ever blog, 'Deb's Pen Pot'.  It's a creative bolt-hole for me, and I'll be posting about writing (from crafting to critiquing); words (ones that take my fancy and ones that work as writing prompts); general inspiration (art, photography, paper crafts, nature - the list is endless!); books I've read and learned from; quotations that inspire me; aspects about the world of writing that I want to discuss and (possibly!) debate; and I'd also love to hear from you, the reader.
     To begin, here's one of my favourite quotations about creativity (and the best explanation for why I always buy plain paper journals!):
     "If they give you ruled paper, write the other way." ~ Juan Ramon Jimenez, Spanish poet
Until next time...

1 comment:

  1. Woohoo welcome to blogland! Love the profile and the pic is perfect. Will put links on my pages for you today. So if you start getting random followers they'll probably have come from me. lol Zo x


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